Sunday, 30 January 2011

Beautiful example of different elements of typography for any basic type lessons

The Alphabet from n9ve on Vimeo.

# M&S "reduced-to-clear" meat section.


Even at' cusp of being unfit for human


I purchase your Meat and feel pleased with

my Gumption.


Monday, 3 January 2011

Some "Fakery" Development.

Just a few bits and bobs of development from my last project. Was asked to typographically interpret "Fakery" . The project was supposed to be for ISTD, but i will porbs not bother entering my final piece as it was so Guff.

Robbie Cooper: Immersion


The work of Robbie Cooper


explores the issues surrounding the increasing amount of contemporary media immersion we experience on a daily basis through the medium of photography and video.

Cooper's subjects ranged from children playing video games to people living out second lives through online virtual worlds. I liked how this exhibition highlighted how each and every one of us are guilty of disengaging from real life on a daily basis, one way or another. I thought the concept was different, especially the photographs of people's reactions when video gaming and watching particular programmes.

The exploratory stage of Cooper's exhibition, photographing people whom possess a second life online let the exhibition down slightly. I think Cooper could have delved deeper into this investigative phase of the show, as the imagery was slightly poorer than that of the first part.

Having said this, I thought it was still a fresh idea to play with in terms of documentry photography, and worth a look.

Check his work out here

re blogged this from Designer's delight*

Plant life.

Gone and got myself a Cactus (Cacti?)
It looks like it could be several in one. In its short life in my room it has already impaled/spiked the following people ;
Jonny Michael Walker Lynch,
Alex Thorp, Tyler Smythe, Tommy Wilson
and some randomer who was viewing our house.

Look, Eggs!

Excuse me, but are these Eggs "deviled" ???
Made some Egg-e-weggs. (Deviled) then shot them with my 50D using an F1.8, 50mm prime lens, for no reason other than to try and distract me from getting on with finishing my dissertation. Maybe my eggs have temporarily distracted you from doing whatever you were doing ?